The Assessment: Personal, Professional and Certifications
The Assessment: Personal, Professional and Certifications
Articulated credit may be awarded when students have experiences that occurred outside the classroom and are equivalent to college-level learning. To request articulation of prior personal or professional experiences or previously earned professional certificates, please complete the following steps:
Contact the Welcome Center 610-607-6224 to make an appointment with an Admissions Counselor.
For prior personal or professional experiences, a portfolio and payment equal to 1 credit tuition (no fees) is required. A Prior Learning Portfolio assessment coordinator is available to help students, along with the Guide for Portfolio Development.
For professional certifications, a copy of the certification is required.
Review your program evaluation in WebAdvisor for complete information about how your credits have been articulated and how these credits apply to your program at 中国澳门博彩官网. You will receive notice in the mail once your credits have been evaluated.